

2037 R. Saint-Denis, Montréal, QC H2X 3K8


February 22 2024




18 +

Ladies, gentlemen, and all the fabulous beings in between, welcome to Kafichanta the party that celebrates diversity, inclusion, and the unapologetic expression of our beautiful souls in a world that has often overshadowed our voices, marginalized our stories, and silenced our brilliance.

Tonight, we dance not only for ourselves, but for those who came before us, for those who have been silenced, and for those who will rise in the future. We dance to celebrate the strides we have made, and to pave the way for a future where our voices are heard, cherished, and celebrated.

At Kafichanta, we embrace the power of unity and the strength that comes from standing together, shoulder to shoulder. We embrace the diversity that paints our community with the most vibrant hues, recognizing that it is within our differences that our collective beauty truly shines..

The rhythms that pulse through our veins tonight weave a tapestry of SWANA heritage, intertwined with the vibrant threads of QTBIPOC culture. It's a harmonious blend of traditions, rebellion, and unyielding spirit that lights up the night sky like a constellation of stars, reminding us of the infinite potential within each and every one of us. So let your inner diva out, sprinkle some glitter on your shoulders, and get ready to dance like nobody's watching. 

Café Chantant spaces in Tunis have historically played a significant role in documenting the city's nightlife and providing a platform for marginalized voices. These venues have acted as cultural hubs and gathering places for artists, musicians, and performers from diverse backgrounds. They often embrace traditional Tunisian music, including various folk genres and traditional instruments. They serve as important spaces for preserving and promoting cultural heritage, allowing musicians and singers to showcase their skills and keep traditional Tunisian music alive. 

 They also served as platforms for artistic expression that addresses social issues and challenges prevalent in Tunisian society. Musicians and performers often use their art to convey messages of social justice, political activism, and cultural identity, creating awareness and stimulating conversations among audiences.

The blend of techno music and Swana music creates a dynamic and boundary-pushing fusion that embodies both cultural heritage and contemporary soundscapes.This fusion represents the intersection of multiple marginalized identities, offering a unique perspective that defies categorization and expands the boundaries of artistic expression. It embraces the spirit of resilience, creativity, and activism, empowering QTBIPOC/SWANA individuals to reclaim their narratives and make a profound impact in the world of music.

Attending artists

Casa Kobrae

Punk a poules


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